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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 13, Issue 4, pp. 993-1313

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Generalizations of the Singular Value and QR-Decompositions

Bart De Moor and Paul Van Dooren

pp. 993-1014

A Singular Value Decomposition Updating Algorithm for Subspace Tracking

Marc Moonen, Paul Van Dooren, and Joos Vandewalle

pp. 1015-1038

Algorithms for Minimum Trace Factor Analysis

G. A. Watson

pp. 1039-1053

Computing the Structured Singular Value

G. A. Watson

pp. 1054-1066

Exponential Convergence Properties of Autocovariance Matrix Inverses and Latent Vector Prediction Coefficients

John L. Eltinge

pp. 1067-1084

A Two-Dimensional Bisection Method for Solving Two-Parameter Eigenvalue Problems

Xingzhi Ji

pp. 1085-1093

Estimating the Largest Eigenvalue by the Power and Lanczos Algorithms with a Random Start

J. Kuczynski and H. Wozniakowski

pp. 1094-1122

Explicit Solutions of the Matrix Equation $\sum {A^i XD_i } = C$

Harald K. Wimmer

pp. 1123-1130

Least-Index Resolution of Degeneracy in Linear Complementarity Problems with Sufficient Matrices

Richard W. Cottle and Yow-Yieh Chang

pp. 1131-1141

Inverse Eigenvalue Problems for Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices

Shmuel Friedland

pp. 1142-1153

Equality Cases in Matrix Exponential Inequalities

Wasin So

pp. 1154-1158

Backward Error Analysis for a Pole Assignment Algorithm II: The Complex Case

Christopher L. Cox and William F. Moss

pp. 1159-1171

Circulative Matrices of Degree $\theta $

Hsin-Chu Chen

pp. 1172-1188

Parallel Solution of Large Lyapunov Equations

A. Scottedward Hodel and Kameshwar Poolla

pp. 1189-1203

Jacobi's Method is More Accurate than QR

James Demmel and Kresimir Veselic

pp. 1204-1245

A Tricyclic Tridiagonal Equation Solver

David S. Dodson and Stewart A. Levin

pp. 1246-1254

A Projective Method for Rescaling a Diagonally Stable Matrix to be Positive Definite

H. Hu

pp. 1255-1263

Adaptive Condition Estimation for Rank-One Updates of QR Factorizations

Gautam M. Shroff and Christian H. Bischof

pp. 1264-1278

Rank Detection Methods for Sparse Matrices

Jesse L. Barlow and Udaya B. Vemulapati

pp. 1279-1297

Modifying the QR-Decomposition to Constrained and Weighted Linear Least Squares

Mårten Gulliksson and Per-åke Wedin

pp. 1298-1313